The first days of college can feel like a whirlwind. Students are busy signing up for classes, exploring campus, attending orientation and meeting new friends — all within the first week.
You may be feeling both excited and nervous as you approach your first week of classes. You may be wondering what to expect from your courses, like how much homework you’ll have to do or what your professors will be like. Or, you may have practical concerns, like how you’ll find your classroom or know where to park each day. With so many things to consider, what can you do to feel excited and prepared as you start the semester?
1. Prepare for your classes.
It can be hard to know what to expect in the first few weeks of your classes. Start by looking over your syllabi beforehand. See if you need to pick up any textbooks or supplies, review the course calendar and see if there are any assignments you need to do before each class. Don’t hesitate to reach out to your professors if you have any questions.
2. Get familiar with the campus.
You may have already been on campus for tours or orientation before your first week. Once your classes have started, continue to take time to familiarize yourself with the campus. Scope out your upcoming classroom locations, find important places like the library and cafeteria, check out the parking situation, and pick up your student ID and parking pass as soon as you can. The more familiar you are with the campus and know what to expect, the less stressed you’ll be during your first few weeks of school.
3. Come prepared.
Some professors go over the syllabus, while others jump straight into lecturing in the first week — so it can be hard to know what you’ll need to bring. Come prepared with whatever you might need, like a notebook or binder, pens, your laptop or phone, and any textbooks needed for the class. Remember, it’s better to be over-prepared than under-prepared!
4. Get a head start.
With so much going on in the first week of classes, it can be easy to fall behind on assignments or forget to buy your textbooks. Start preparing as early as possible by ordering your textbooks and scheduling out plenty of time to get your assignments done. Then, on class days, allow enough time to find parking if you are a commuter and get to your class ahead of time. It’s better to be five to ten minutes early than to be stressed and running late.
5. Take care of yourself.
The start of the semester can be hectic. As you adjust to your new schedule, it’s important that you prioritize your mental, physical and spiritual health. Make sure you’re eating and getting enough sleep each night. Allow time to decompress and do things you enjoy, like watching movies and spending time with new friends. Be sure to spend time in prayer and the Word, and let Christ be your peace during this hectic time.
While there are a lot of things happening during the first few weeks of the semester, remember to take it one day at a time. Try to stay focused on the present and what you have to do that day — and remember to enjoy every moment. Before you know it, you’ll be settled into your new routine and enjoying all that college life has to offer.