5 Ways to Reduce Stress in College

A female student struggles to manage stress in college staring at her laptop.

College is one of the most rewarding seasons of life because it allows students to discover who they are and unlock their potential. However, college students can become stressed and overwhelmed when juggling classes, friendships, work, relationships, school events, and an ever-evolving schedule. This stress can feel all-consuming if students only focus on their long to-do lists.

Self-awareness and healthy boundaries are essential to helping you stay mentally steady and on track throughout the school year. This includes regularly assessing your stress levels and taking steps to reduce it wherever possible. How can you prevent yourself from feeling overwhelmed and panicked about everything on your plate?

Here are five ways you can manage stress in college.

1. Get your work done on time.

One of the worst habits that causes feelings of stress is procrastination. Procrastination usually occurs when you think you have more time to complete your work than you do. When you have this mindset, your assignments begin to pile up because they aren’t a priority.

When you receive a new homework assignment, try changing the due date in your calendar to a couple of days before the actual deadline. Doing so will help you to get your work done early and turn in your assignments on time. You could also estimate how much time you need to complete your homework and schedule out several timed sessions throughout your week. Scheduling out and timing your work sessions can help you stay ahead, keep on the task and make sure you have enough time for rest later.

2. Make time for community.

It’s crucial that you set aside adequate amounts of time to work on your assignments. However, hours of studying and staring at your computer screen without strategic breaks to be around people can be counterproductive. Days spent working on your own can make you feel like you are all alone with your to-do list.

Make time to be with those who encourage you. Join a small group at your church or a club on campus, and go off campus with your friends for a short break from your studies. You could even go home to visit family for the weekend or over a holiday break. A good community will help you reach your goals, encourage your success and manage stress in college.

3. Ask for help.

Whether you need advice, help or just need to talk through everything that’s on your plate, make sure to reach out to others when you’re feeling stressed or overwhelmed.

Don’t be afraid to reach out to a mentor, professor or friend for support. Schedule a meeting with your professor to discuss your course load, get advice and ask questions. Your professors are there to support you and have tips and resources to help you succeed in their classes. You can also ask your roommate if they will help you study or get your friends together to study as a group. You can even sit down with your campus pastor so they can pray for you.

4. Set healthy boundaries.

While you should study thoroughly and try your best to get good grades, you may feel like you’re running on empty if all of your time is devoted to your studies.

In order to manage stress in college, it’s important that you set healthy boundaries for yourself. Allow yourself time to relax and to do the things you enjoy. Try to unwind after a long day of classes or wake up earlier to have a slower start to your day. On weekends, catch up on sleep if you need to and leave portions of your schedule open to pursue your hobbies and get rest. Take care of yourself by saying no to additional events that will overwhelm your schedule and prevent you from resting.

5. Spend time with God.

One of the best daily habits to increase your endurance and encourage your heart is to spend time with your Father. Christ invites us to do so in Matthew 11:28, where he says, “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy-laden and I will give you rest.”

Find a quiet place to set aside time with Him daily. Consistent prayer and devotion to God will grow your relationship with Him and help you to stay grounded and at peace throughout the school year. You can also find rest from your busy schedule by attending your school’s chapel services or getting involved in a local church.

While college is filled with busy times and full schedules, it has the potential to be one of the best seasons of your life. Take each day one step at a time. Ask God for wisdom in managing your time and trust Him with your future. By doing so, you will greatly relieve your stress by trusting the One who’s in control. Put God first and ask Him to guide you in stewarding this season well — and enjoy each day as it comes.
