There are thousands, if not millions, of resources that tell you how you can become a better leader. You can read books, subscribe to leadership blogs or listen to podcasts to try to refine your leadership skills. Although these are all great resources, do you ever take a moment to reflect on your own leadership role?
It’s often difficult to create the perfect work-life balance between trying to make room for every member of your team and prioritizing your home life. You might even find it challenging to be alone and recharge, instead of working, when you are home.
As a leader, it’s important to set aside time to evaluate your leadership. You might have lost sight of why you enjoy the position you are in. It is easy to give more weight to what other people think you should be doing rather than truly evaluating yourself.
Make time today to ask yourself these five questions.
1. What is my “why?” In his book “Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action,” Simon Sinek says, “People don’t buy what you do; they buy why you do it. And what you do simply proves what you believe.” Remember your purpose as a leader. Why did you take the position you have now? Why do you believe you are qualified to lead? Think of this as your mission statement. Write it down and own it.
2. Where do I see myself in five to 10 years? Goals are an essential component of leadership. Not only should you be setting goals for the next few weeks or months, but you should also be looking to the future. What do you want to accomplish as a leader? Set realistic goals, but don’t be afraid to dream as well.
3. What areas do I thrive in? To maximize your time as a leader, you need to know your strong suits. What value do you bring to your team? Yes, your team does make you stronger, but you also have skill sets for helping your team thrive.
4. How can I improve? Leadership requires constant growth. Ask your team members what they enjoy about having you as a leader and what areas you can grow in to help them thrive in their roles. Set an action plan for how you are going to work on improving. Always have a growth mindset.
5. Why do others follow me? What is it about your leadership style that inspires others? Gauge what it is about your leadership that attracts people to be around you. Maybe it’s your ability to empower others to live out their calling or recognize the best in them.
Don’t stow away these questions for when you have a breakdown or start feeling burned out. Make it a habit to continually assess your leadership role. Wherever you are on your journey, don’t lose sight of your passion for leadership.
Whether now or in the past, you most likely had a moment or two when you realized what you were designed to do in life. Continue looking for ways to keep the passion you felt in that moment alive. Never forget your ‘why.’
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